Thursday, April 11, 2013

3 Broken Heart Remedies

A broken heart is one of the most painful feelings a person will experience, the sadness that accompanies a break up is incredibly intense.  The more love that you felt for your ex partner, the more your heart will suffer.  Is there a broken heart remedy?  Unfortunately there is no instant cure or remedy for a broken heart but that doesn’t mean that you are destined to feel that agonizing hurt for the rest of your life.  Although you will feel alone, sad and depressed for a while, there are some steps that you can take to help overcome your sadness.

Recovery from a broken heart will take time but these steps will help you to deal with the hurt that you are feeling and speed up the recovery process.  While they are not an instant remedy for your poor, crushed heart, they will help you get through this difficult period.

1. Take Control of Your Emotions

It is easy to lose control of your emotions when you are in such a desperately sad state following a relationship break up.  You will feel such a big range of emotions including intense sadness, incredible anger and rejection.  You will sometimes be angry at yourself and sometimes feel anger toward your ex.  If you can’t take control of your emotions then you will find it difficult to move on.

A roller coaster of emotions is perfectly normal after a break up and there is nothing wrong with experiencing such a big range of different emotions, just as long as those emotions don't take over your life.  If you are feeling sad then let the emotions out, have a good cry and then move on.  If you are feeling angry then let those emotions out too, go punch a punching bag or go down the beach and scream your lungs out and then move on.  If you let your emotions continue to bring you down and can't get past them then you might find yourself falling into a deep depression and that will be very difficult to climb back out of.

2. Accept that The Relationship is Over

Everything in life happens for a reason and if you can look at your break up with this attitude then you are one step closer to mending your broken heart.  Even though you might feel that your ex partner is 'the one' for you, perhaps he isn't.  Perhaps this relationship was never destined to work.  If this person isn't 'the one' then as long as you are with him you are prohibited from finding Mr Right.  Maybe this break up happened for a reason and happened so that you could change paths in your life journey and find the person that you really are meant to be with.  You will find happiness again and as soon as you accept that this relationship is over the sooner you can open yourself up to finding happiness.

3. Move On With Your Life

Sometimes you just need to let go and move on.  The ending of this relationship is not the end for the world; it is just the end of one chapter in your life journey.  When it is obvious that this relationship wasn’t meant to be, then you can let go and move on with your life. 

Although breaking up from a relationship is incredibly sad just try to remember that you have your whole life ahead of you and many more fantastic experiences to have.  There is no magic cure to heal a broken heart but if you consider these three steps and try to follow them you can start to recovery from the heartache and move on with your life.  Learn from the experiences you shared with this person and become a stronger person from them.  It's time to move on and enjoy the rest of your life.

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

3 Top Reasons Men Dump Women

It is such a sad moment when a relationship ends and when a woman is dumped she will feel sad, angry and rejected.  It is a very discouraging time in a woman's life to be dumped by the person she so deeply loves.  Being dumped will leave behind a feeling of pain and confusion, especially if it was unexpected.

At one time it seemed that it was always the woman that dumped the man, but I think the tables have turned and now men are doing their fair share of the dumping.  The problem with when a man dumps a woman is that he is not as sympathetic and not so good at explaining why the relationship is over.  Often a woman is left shocked and wondering what went wrong and really has no idea of the motive to his decision.

So why do men dump women?  Here are the top three reasons why they, men, end relationships.

1. Communication – or lack of it!

The key to any successful relationship is good communication and if a couple are struggling to communicate then there are serious problems with the relationship.  Lack of communication is one of the top reasons why men break up with women.

2. Over-demanding women!

At the beginning of a relationship women take men for who they are and all is good.  But as time goes on, some women will start to become quite demanding of their man.  Women sometimes like to have control in a relationship and may enforce too many rules and limits on their partner.  As the relationship becomes more serious they will expect the man to start spending more time at home and less time out with friends.  If a man isn’t ready to change his life to suit the ‘couple’ lifestyle then this can be too much pressure for him.  Putting too much pressure and too many demands on a man is a big reason for many break ups.

3. Needy women!

Men like to play the role of the big hero and so it can give their ego a nice boost when a woman plays the ‘damsel in distress’ role.  However, this is alright once in a while but a man will get quite annoyed with a woman if she is constantly needy and reliant on him.  Although it is good to rely on a man to some degree, a woman still needs some degree of independence.  A man will lose respect for a woman who is too clingy and can’t do anything for herself.  It can even become a bit creepy if a woman develops an obsession for the man and won’t let him out of her site.  When she expects him to spend every free minute with her, he will feel smothered and need to escape.  When the relationship gets to this point, the man will escape by breaking up with the woman.

There are many reasons why men dump women, but these are three very common ones.  Don’t think that you’re relationship is fine because it’s women that do the dumping, it’s not the case anymore.  Men also hold the power of a relationship in their hands.  If you find yourself in the situation of being dumped by a man, you can try communicating with him to see if there is any chance of salvaging the relationship.  If he has no interest at all in reconciling then you need to accept that the relationship is over and perhaps learn from the mistakes you may have made.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

3 Tips for getting your Ex Back Fast and 2 Things To Avoid

Break ups can be very difficult to deal with and many are quite stressful and traumatic.  Although the relationship has been struggling perhaps you weren’t really ready for breaking up and are now asking yourself the question ‘how do I get my ex back?’  Even if your breakup is a very traumatic one there is usually still some hope of reconciliation.  If you know the right steps to take and how to act toward your ex then you just might be able to repair your relationship.  Here are some tips and tricks that can help you win your ex back and also some things that you might want to avoid.


Tip #1
– be yourself.  Acting like someone else just to try and win your ex back will not help matters in the long term.  Even if acting differently helps them to like you in the short term, it is hard to keep up the facade long term and sooner or later you will fall back into acting like yourself, so if you really want to be successful at getting your ex back then start acting like yourself.

Tip #2 – never use the method of trying to make him jealous to get him back.  Flirting with his friends in front of him will only hurt his feelings and could actually make the situation worse.  Some people use flirting to make their ex jealous while others use it to get revenge, either way it could backfire and you could lose him forever.

Tip #3 – be honest with your ex and don’t be afraid to tell him how you feel.  Don’t go overboard and act like life is not worth living without him, you don’t want to appear desperate.  Talk to him and let him know that you still love him and that you still want this relationship to work.  You never know, there is a chance that he might be feeling the same way and also want to give it another go.

Things to Avoid

Things to Avoid #1
– if you both agree to give the relationship another go then you want to make things clear right from the start that you are serious about the relationship.  Avoid getting into a habit of ‘on and off dating’ as this can be heart breaking and is no good for anyone.  Have a really good think about how you feel and if making this relationship work is really what you want and talk to him so you can find out if he really wants it to work too.

Things to Avoid #2 – don’t forget about the issues that led to your relationship breaking up in the first place.    If you want to save this relationship and turn it around into a happy relationship then you need to work on any issues that you had.  If you ignore the reasons for your breakup then you can’t move past them, it is important that you face any problems you had to move on and have a healthy relationship.

It is possible to win your ex back but you need to be sensible in your approach.  Use these tips and things to avoid and build a stronger, healthier relationship that will be made to last.

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Monday, April 1, 2013

4 Stages of Emotions Following a Break Up

Love is such an amazing emotion that makes life meaningful and happy.  When you are in a loving relationship you are on top of the world and going through the happiest time of your life.  But what if that relationship turns sour?  Unfortunately, even the best of relationships will have some issues and if they aren't resolved they can lead to the end of the relationship.  A person can go from being on top of the world to being on the bottom of the earth when their relationship reaches break up point.

When your relationship breaks up your heart is broken and the pain you feel is incredibly sharp and real.  Everyone reacts differently to relationship break ups and some will cope better than others.  Here are the general stages that one will experience when going through a relationship break up.

Stage One:  When your relationship comes to an end you will feel shock.  If you knew there was trouble and a break up was heading your way then the shock might not be as great, but there will still be some degree of shock.  If you were still happy in the relationship but your partner ended it out of the blue, then the shock you will feel will be very strong.

Stage Two:  The second stage of a break up is when you refuse to believe that the relationship is over.  Perhaps you have been in denial that there have been any problems occurring within your relationship and don't want to accept that the relationship is now over.  You might try to convince yourself that it is just a temporary setback that you will be able to resolve.  Unfortunately, if your partner has broken off the relationship then it might be too late to resolve any problems that have been building up over time.

Stage Three:  Next you might begin to experience some depression.  Feeling depressed is a completely normal reaction following a relationship break up.  No-one enjoys ending a relationship and even if you are the partner that chose to end the relationship you will still experience sadness at the end of this major stage of your life.  It is best to try and move on and keep yourself busy so you don't spend all your time thinking about it.

Stage Four:  The last stage of emotions following a break up is acceptance.  Although it can take time to reach this stage, once you accept that the relationship is over then you can move on with your life.  Be happy that you were able to experience a loving relationship for a short time and put the relationship and the break up down to experience.  This whole experience will make you stronger and help you grow into the person you are today.  Once you have accepted that the relationship is over then you can move on and be open to meeting someone new.

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